
Using Doc-Holiday as a code module

Doc-Holiday is a great tool, but perhaps you are a tool writer yourself and you want to harness the capabilities of Doc-Holiday in your own app. That’s cool. And here’s how you do it…

But first, are you sure you can’t make use of the existing Command Line Interface to do what you want? Perhaps as part of a larger processing script?

Installing and importing the module

First, install doc-holiday locally into the project that will be using it:

install @tremho/doc-holiday

Look at the exported types and functions as documented in the API and import these from the main module.
Note that although different portions of the API are portioned off and documented as coming from other modules, that all the symbols are exported from the primary import point at @tremho/doc-holiday

import what you will use from this import

import {SourceInfo, docstub, analysisJSON, getGlobbedFiles} from "@tremho/doc-holiday"

Then use the exposed API to perform what it is you would like to do.

For example, you could do this:

import {processFileList} from "@tremho/doc-holiday"

let generator = processFileList('mySource.ts')
let gen =

to output a JSON object analysis of the entities within mySource.ts.

See the API documentation for more information.