
Doc-holiday command line

Doc-holiday is meant to be invoked from the command line.

In its normal use case, one simply starts at a command prompt where the current directory is the root of their project.

This project root is expected to contain a doc-holiday.conf file, and source files to be documented at one or more paths.

Then, running the command, as in

doc-holiday src/**

will parse the sources, generate documentation stubs into an intermediate folder designated by the configuration, and then render the documentation in the chosen format (html or markdown, or both).

If no configuration file is present, an error is reported.

You can specify the location of a config file that is not in the current directory with the config option, as in

doc-holiday config /path/to/doc-holiday.conf src/**

About file globs

Arguments passed to doc-holiday other than configuration location options are meant to be one or more file globs.
Globs are patterns that include and/or exclude files according to pattern matching rules. The basic concepts are that an * matches any string of characters in a filename, a ** recurses ino all directories, but there is much more.
See this article for more detailed information about glob syntax.

More than one glob pattern may be passed, so that source code in more than one directory or tree may be processed with the single command invocation.

Command options

typing doc-holiday without any arguments will give you the following help listing:



 doc-holiday [options] <file glob list>

 where <file glob list> is one or more glob pattern file locations
( for help on glob patterns, see )
and [options] is one of:
 config <file> -- Specify doc-holiday.conf file location
 config=<file> -- same as above
 -c <file> -- same as above
 -c=<file> -- same as above

--title <title> title to appear in API doc (markdown only)
--title=<title> -- same as above

 --stubs-only -- Generate stubs to intermediate directory only
 --no-clean -- Do not clear intermediate directory before generation
 --render-only -- Run rendering from stubs (per configuration settings) only
 --analysis -- parse source code and emit analysis json only

the non-option arguments passed to doc-holiday are the files or file globs you wish to process.

You can process a single file:
doc-holiday myfile.ts

Or a selection of files: doc-holiday *.ts

Or all the files within a folder:
doc-holiday src/**
or doc-holiday src/**/*.ts

You can use more advanced glob construct like this one that selects only .js or .ts files from the src folder:
doc-holiday src/**/*.[tj]s

You can pass more than one location as arguments to create a single combined document from all the sources.
doc-holiday index.ts src/** lib/**


There are a few options that can be used to adjust the behavior of doc-holiday when run.

Options may appear in any order, or before or after any file globs provided with the command.

–title [=] “title to use”

Provide a title to appear in Markdown output (markdown only)

The default title is simply “API”.

If the title is more than one word, you will need to place the string within quotation marks.

doc-holiday --title="My Custom Title" src/**

[config | -c] [=] file

Specify which doc-holiday config file to use
By default, the options to use are to be found in the current directory where the doc-holiday command is invoked (typically the root of the project being documented). The file name should be doc-holiday.conf.
To use a file with a different name, or in a different location, use the config option.
For example:
doc-holiday config alternateName.conf src/**
doc-holiday -c=/Users/myname/confis/doc-holiday.conf src/**


This will instruct doc-holiday to only generate the jsdoc stub content to the intermediate directory (as specified by the configuration) but not run the JSDoc rendering process afterward.
This may be useful in your own documentation pipeline constructions if you wish to further post-process the stub files, add to the intermediate folder, or otherwise defer rendering of the stub content.
doc-holiday --stubs-only src/**


By default, doc-holiday will remove all the files from the intermediate directory before generating stubs. the _–no-clean__ option disables this behavior, allowing new stubs to be generated without removing any of the existing files. Stub files generated with the same name as an existing file will overwrite their predecessor, however.

This option may be useful in your own documentation pipeline construction if you wish to aggregate conent into the intermediate directory prior to rendering or some other custom process step.

–no-clean may be combined with –stubs-only also.

doc-holiday --no-clean --stubs-only src/**


The –render-only option completes the second half of the normal doc-holiday flow: it invokes the configured JSDoc engine with the selected options to render the intermediate stub files into HTML and/or Markdown output.

The –render-only option stands alone and requires no other arguments.

doc-holiday --render-only


Through this option, the CLI presents a JSON output of the source code analysis object generated by Doc-Holiday from the parsing of the given source files. This JSON object array is an array of APIInfo objects representing the analysis for each module. This CLI invoked mechanism for gathering this analysis for your own coding uses may be a practical alternative to importing the module and accessing the API.

doc-holiday analysis src/**