
Using Markdown


For some time, JSDoc has allowed the direct insertion of HTML, or more recently, Markdown, into comment blocks. This option is supported by Doc-Holiday, so you are able to do basic styling of items in your comment markup.

For example:

 * ## This will stand out
 * Markdown can be used for __bold__ and _italics_,
 * or for lists
 * - apples
 * - bananas
 * - cherries
 * - dates
 * or tables:
 * | City | Population |
 * | ---  | ---------  |
 * | Tokyo | 37,435,191 |
 * | Delhi | 29,399,141 |
 * | Shanghai | 26,317,104 |
 * | Sao Paulo | 21,846,507 |
 * | Mexico City | 21,671,908 |
 * -------------
 * Markdown is also good for [embedding links](
 * or images ![Tremho avatar](
 * <div style="background-color: goldenrod; font-family:cursive;">
 *    HTML is good for color and font stylings,<br/>
 *    or most other things that you can do with HTML markup.
 * </div>
export function imSoPretty() {


Will come out as:


This will stand out

Markdown can be used for bold and italics, or for lists

or tables:

City Population
Tokyo 37,435,191
Delhi 29,399,141
Shanghai 26,317,104
Sao Paulo 21,846,507
Mexico City 21,671,908

Markdown is also good for embedding links or images Tremho avatar

HTML is good for color and font stylings,
or most other things that you can do with HTML markup.

Kind: inner method of example
Access: public

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