
JSDoc tags recognized by Doc-Holiday

A key point of Doc-Holiday is to not require tags that define how to document code that has already been constructed with enough information that these things should be already apparent.

So, ideally, a Typescript declaration with its robust type declaration capabilities should only need comments next to the elements in question.

However, not everyone uses Typescript, and even within Typescript, not every declaration may be completely specified.

So, these JSDoc tags are recognized in a comment block for a function:

But no other tags are recognized, since they are not necessary.

Forcing a JSDoc tag

If for some reason you really want to insert a JSDoc tag into the mix, you can do so with the extension syntax for this.

For example:

// Do something important
// blah blah blah
// This was added in version 7.3 to support foobars
// {{{jsdoc tag="since"}}} 7.3 
export function addedFoobar() {


Will introduce the jsdoc @since tag to denote the version of this API change.

note the extension line above should appear like this:
// {{{jsdoc tag=”since”}}} 7.3
but GitHub Pages may have incorrectly rendered it.

Documentation authors may decide if they prefer to note such things by using JSDoc tags or by their own markdown or html convention (see next section). Using JSDoc tags potentially allows for theme-consistent treatment of these special entries between style templates, but this is not guaranteed.

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