
Generating Documentation

Generating the documentation for your project is as simple as:

  1. Adding a doc-holiday.conf file to your project as described in the Configuration docmentation
  2. Running doc-holiday src/** from your project root, substituting ‘src’ for whatever folder your javascript or typescript source code files may be found in.

Unprepared source code results

Even if you have not formatted descriptions, or parameter / return comments yet, your source code should still be documented according to its code signature. Check the output and see what you ended up with.

Note that only code exported with the export keyword may be visible in the output docs (depending on your config choices).

Preparing your source code documentation

Doc-holiday assumes each file is to be treated as a module. Only code entities that are exported from the module with the ‘export’ keyword ( or else with an explicit @public notation in the comment block) will be marked public and may not appear in the output otherwise (depending upon your output engine and template choices).

Unless you are using JSDoc HTML output (without a template that hides private entities anyway), you will not see private entities in your rendered documentation. Consult the documentation for the JSDoc engine and/or template you are using.

Follow the guidelines below for how to best document each of your code entities:

Module Description

The first lines of the module – starting with the top line – are considered the module description. No @ - style prefix tags are needed to identify this as the module description. Any comment lines that appear here are considered to be the description of the module itself.

There may be multiple lines in contiguous comment block to form this module description.

At least one blank line following the comment block must precede any other code in the file.

For example, consider a module file named “UserModule.ts”:

        This is the description of the UserModule module.
        It exports functions and data types related to the User login and status.
    import fs from 'fs'

This description will appear in the docs for UserModule (module). Any exported code entities that follow in the sources will appear within this section of the documentation.

If you do not wish to include a module description, you must leave at least one blank line at the top of the file.

Note that if the first line of a module contains a “shebang” line (starting with #!), then the module description may start on the follwing line

Documenting a function

There are several supported ways to declare and document a function.

First, if we simply declare an exported function:

export function add(num1, num2) {
    return num1+num2

It will get documented, similar to this:

exampleModule~add(num1, num2)

Kind: inner method of exampleModule
Access: public

Param Type
num1 *
num2 *

Which is nice, but what we really want is to include our own description and specifications.

We can describe the function, like this:

 Adds two numbers and returns the result
export function add(num1, num2) {
    return num1+num2

or, perhaps like this:

// Adds two numbers and returns the result
export function add(num1, num2) {
    return num1+num2

Both forms will render as something like this:

exampleModule~add(num1, num2)

Adds two numbers and returns the result

Kind: inner method of exampleModule
Access: public

Param Type
num1 *
num2 *

Which is better, but we’d like our parameters and return values documented also.

Many code editors will produce a JSDoc comment block if you simply enter /** (return) above the function. These tools will autogenerate the @param tags for the parameters found in the function signature, like this:

 * @param num1
 * @param num2

Allowing us to add descriptions and types to this. We can also document our return value by adding a @return tag, as JSDoc convention provides:

 * Adds two numbers and returns the result
 * @param {number} num1 The first number to be added
 * @param {number} num2 The second number to be added
 * @return {number} The result of the addition
export function add(num1, num2) {
 return num1+num2

and this gives us a more complete documentation rendering:

exampleModule~add(num1, num2)

Adds two numbers and returns the result

Kind: inner method of exampleModule
Access: public

Param Type
num1 number
num2 number

Which is fine, but this is all just what one gets with JSDoc. So What?

Let’s look at these examples again, though, from a Typescript perspective.

If we simply define a function (we’ll give it a description here, too), we can let the declaration syntax typescript requires of us already to document the parameters and return.

// Adds two numbers and returns the results
export function add(num1:number, num2:number):number {
    return num1+num2

Even with this rather minimalist declaration, we will get documentation like this:

exampleModule~add(num1, num2) ⇒ `number`

Adds two numbers and returns the results

Kind: inner method of exampleModule
Access: public

Param Type
num1 number
num2 number

and if we want to be more descriptive, we could write this as:

Adds two numbers and returns the result
export function add(
    num1:number,  // The first number to add
    num2:number   // The second number to add
): number // the resulting sum of the addition.
    return num1+num2

And get all of the members documented without having to have created a redundant JSDoc block for that.

exampleModule~add(num1, num2) ⇒ `number`

Adds two numbers and returns the result

Kind: inner method of exampleModule
Returns: number - <p>the resulting sum of the addition.</p>
Access: public

Param Type Description
num1 number <p>The first number to add</p>
num2 number <p>The second number to add</p>

If you declare parameter and/or return values in both a JSDoc comment block and use Typescript types and/or comments, the Typescript types and the associated comments will be used instead of the JSDoc entries. The JSDoc entries will be used if there is not a typescript type or associated comment for the parameter or return.

Note that variations on the comment block style shown above are allowed. Multiple lines (either successive // lines or a /* */ block are allowed, etc.)

Other function types.

functions may also be declared by assignment, either classically, or via the arrow operator:

// assigned classic function
export const assignedClassic = function(a,b,c) {
    return ''

// an arrow function
export const assignedArrow = (foo:string, bar:number):string /* returns a value */ => {return ''}

Note that spreading whitespace among multiple lines is allowed for the above forms, too.

Anonymous functions are also allowed, as long as they are assigned.

// an anonymous function
export const anonymous = (function (a,b,c) {})

Generator functions are fine. You can use the @yield JSDoc tag to document the yield type:

// a generator function
// @yields {number} each call to next() returns the successive number
export function* indexGenerator(){
    var index = 0;
    while(true) {
        yield index++;

Or you can specify the return as a Generator or Iterator in Typescript to achieve the same result

export function* indexGeneratorTS() : Generator<number>/* generates numbers */ {
    var index = 0;
    while(true) {
        yield index++;
async functions

Prefix keywords such as async are recognized and reflected in the rendered docs.

Documenting a property

Your module may have an exported property you wish to document. You can do this much the same as how you document a function.

// Holds the ISO 639 code for the language and locale the user prefers
export let preferrredLanguage; 

Or, you may use a side-comment for this:

export let preferrredLanguage; // Holds the ISO 639 code for the language and locale the user prefers 

You can use let, var, or const to declare your properties. You may also assign a value: Or, you may use a side-comment for this:

export const supportedLanguage = 'en-US' // all we support for right  now 


exampleModule~supportedLanguage : `string`

all we support for right now

Kind: inner constant of exampleModule
Default: "'en-US'"
Access: public

Something that is not supported by Doc-Holiday is a multiple declaration or assignment, such as either of the following:

export let a, b, c


export let a=1, b=2, c=3

These attempts will only capture the first declaration (a).
Avoid using these types of declarations if you wish these to be properly documented.

Documenting Enumerations

Enumerations are supported by Typescript and Doc-Holiday will document these appropriately.

For example, the following enumeration

// Constants for direction
enum Direction {
    Up ,   // vertical ascend
    Down,  // vertical descend
    Left,  // westward if facing north
    Right, // eastward if facing north

Would be represented as follows:


Constants for direction

Kind: inner enum of exampleModule
Read only: true

Name Type Default Description
Up number Up <p>vertical ascend (value = 0)</p>
Down number Down <p>vertical descend (value = 1)</p>
Left number Left <p>westward if facing north (value = 2)</p>
Right number Right <p>eastward if facing north (value = 3)</p>

Note: To document a enum in plain Javascript, which does not support the enum keyword, create your enum as a class with properties and apply the @enum JSDoc tag directly, using the } extension, like this:

// Constants for direction
// }
export class Direction {
    Up  = 0   // vertical ascend
    Down = 1  // vertical descend
    Left = 2  // westward if facing north
    Right = 3 // eastward if facing north

Documenting a class

When you document a class, the documentation will reflect the aspects and comments of the class itself, as well as all of the inner properties, functions, and inner classes.

For example, consider this simple made up class declaration:

// The Foo class demonstrates
// how a simple class is documented
export class Foo {
    readonly seed:string = "aklafg783yd8jccide-dkhei7s"

    // This class is scoped within the Foo class
    InnerClass = class {
        prop1:string // a property of InnerClass
        prop2:number // another InnerClass property

        // a method of InnerClass
        method() {

    // Compute the sequence over the given time
        time:number // number of seconds <positive, integer>
    ): number {
        // blah blah
        return 0

would render the following:


The Foo class demonstrates how a simple class is documented

Kind: inner class of example
Access: public

Name Type Default Description
name string   <ul> <li></li> </ul>
seed string "aklafg783yd8jccide-dkhei7s" <ul> <li></li> </ul>
Foo.InnerClass class   <p>This class is scoped within the Foo class</p>
InnerClass.Foo.InnerClass string   <p>a property of InnerClass</p> string   <p>another InnerClass property</p>
InnerClass.Foo.method method   <p>a method of InnerClass</p>

foo.compute(time) ⇒ `number`

Compute the sequence over the given time

Kind: instance method of Foo
Returns: number - <p>blah blah</p>
Access: public

Param Type Description
time number <p>number of seconds</p> <ul class="doc-constraints" style="font-style:italic; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 33px"> <li>number must be an integer</li> <li>number must be positive</li> </ul>

Note how the properties and methods of an inner class are represented within the properties block of the parent class itself rather than being represented in their own rendered blocks like the first-order entities of the containing class. This is how JSDoc is equipped to handle inner classes.

Documenting an interface

Documenting an interface is much the same as documenting a class.

The example below imagines two functional interfaces and an implementing class that uses them.

// Interface for providing print capability
export interface PrintAction {
    print(device:string, orientation:PrinterOrientation, pages:number): boolean

// Interface providing persistence capability
export interface SaveAction {

// An example of implemented interfaces
export class PrintExample implements PrintAction, SaveAction {

    // Local function to print Example.
    exmpleLocal(foo:string // device if not default
    ):boolean {
        const device = foo || 'default'
        return && this.print(device, PrinterOrientation.Portrait, 1)

    // implementation of primt
    print(device:string, orientation:PrinterOrientation, pages:number): boolean { return true }
    // implementation of save
    save(device:string):boolean { return true }

resulting in the following rendered documentation:


Interface for providing print capability

Kind: inner interface of example
Access: public

printAction.print(device, orientation, pages) ⇒ `boolean`

Kind: instance method of PrintAction
Access: public

Param Type
device string
orientation PrinterOrientation
pages number


Interface providing persistence capability

Kind: inner interface of example
Access: public ⇒ `boolean`

Kind: instance method of SaveAction
Access: public

Param Type
device string

printExample.exmpleLocal(foo) ⇒ `boolean`

Local function to print Example.

Kind: instance method of PrintExample
Access: public

Param Type Description
foo string <p>device if not default</p>

printExample.print(device, orientation, pages) ⇒ `boolean`

implementation of primt

Kind: instance method of PrintExample
Returns: boolean - <p>implementation of save</p>
Access: public

Param Type
device string
orientation PrinterOrientation
pages number ⇒ `boolean`

implementation of save

Kind: instance method of PrintExample
Access: public

Param Type
device string

Documenting a Mix-In

If you are not using Typescript, you may not be able to use the interface and implements keywords. Javascript has long had the ability to mix properties into a functional object as a way to emulate interfaces or multiple-inheritance behaviors. The so-called “Mix-In” pattern, as documented by this example from MDN is recognized and supported by Doc-Holiday:

// used in mix-in example from MDN
export let calculatorMixin = Base => class extends Base {
    calc() { }

// used in mix-in example from MDN
export let randomizerMixin = Base => class extends Base {
    randomize() { }

// used in mix-in example from MDN
export class Foo { }
// This is the class that extends Foo and implements the 2 mixins
export class MixInExample extends calculatorMixin(randomizerMixin(Foo)) { }

The mixins will be identified as such in the documentation, per JSDoc tag support, and the MixInExample class that uses them will list these under mixes.


used in mix-in example from MDN

Kind: inner class of example
Access: public

example~MixInExample ⇐ `Foo`

Kind: inner class of example
Extends: Foo
Mixes: calculatorMixin, randomizerMixin
Access: public

example~calculatorMixin ⇐ `Base`

Kind: inner mixin of example
Extends: Base
Access: public


Kind: instance method of calculatorMixin
Access: public

example~randomizerMixin ⇐ `Base`

Kind: inner mixin of example
Extends: Base
Access: public


Kind: instance method of randomizerMixin
Access: public

Documenting a type definition

Type definitions are very useful code constructs, as they allow us to define our own types to suit the data we use in our applications in the way we think of them.

Type definitions are supported in TypeScript using the type keyword.

For example, we might like to define a type that may consist of any of a number of types, like this one:

// used to define multi-type aliases
export type NumberLike = string|number

or to define a type that must be one of a constant set of values, like these:

// used to define acceptable string values
export type Office = "Seattle" | "Los Angeles" | "New York" | "London" | "Paris"

// used to define acceptable number values
export type ValueSet = 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 12 | 16

Often, we use a type definition to define the structure of an object, as an alternative to declaring a class to define the type.

// used to define a complex type
export type Complex = {
    name:string, // name of person
    age: NumberLike, // age of person
    office:Office, // which office
    value: ValueSet // which value

Some geospatial libraries define a Latitude, Longitude coordinate a variety of ways. Sometimes as a object with properties, and other times simply as an array with values in a defined order. Such a case can be handled by type definitions handily:

// lat, lon as object props
export type LocObj = {lat:number, lon:number}

// lon, lat as a  2-element array, in that order
export type LLTuple = [lon:number, lat:number]

The rendered documentation for the typedef examples above would appear like this:

example~NumberLike : `string` \| `number`

used to define multi-type aliases

Kind: inner typedef of example

example~Office : `"Seattle"` \| `"Los Angeles"` \| `"New York"` \| `"London"` \| `"Paris"`

used to define acceptable string values

Kind: inner typedef of example

example~ValueSet : `0` \| `1` \| `2` \| `4` \| `8` \| `12` \| `16`

used to define acceptable number values

Kind: inner typedef of example

example~Complex : `object`

used to define a complex type

Kind: inner typedef of example

Name Type Description
name string <p>name of person</p>
age NumberLike <p>age of person</p>
office Office <p>which office</p>
value string <p>which value</p>

example~LocObj : `object`

lat, lon as object props

Kind: inner typedef of example

Name Type Description
lat number <ul> <li></li> </ul>
lon number <ul> <li></li> </ul>

example~LLTuple : `array`

lon, lat as a 2-element array, in that order

Kind: inner typedef of example

Name Type Description
lon number <ul> <li></li> </ul>
lat number <ul> <li></li> </ul>

Documenting an intersection of interfaces

An interface is a kind of type, so in Typescript we can declare a combination of interfaces as its own type definition. Consider the following:

// used for intersection example
export interface Hunter {
    hunt(speed: number): number;
// used for intersection example
export interface Gatherer {
    gather(speed: number): number;

// assign intersection type definition to alias interface combo
export type HunterGatherer = Hunter & Gatherer;

This form is recognized and supported by Doc-Holiday so the output would appear as you might expect:


used for intersection example

Kind: inner class of example
Access: public

hunter.hunt(speed) ⇒ `number`

Kind: instance method of Hunter
Access: public

Param Type
speed number


used for intersection example

Kind: inner class of example
Access: public

gatherer.gather(speed) ⇒ `number`

Kind: instance method of Gatherer
Access: public

Param Type
speed number

example~HunterGatherer : `class`

assign intersection type definition to alias interface combo

Kind: inner typedef of example
Implements: Hunter, Gatherer

Defining a callback function as a type definition

It is helpful to define a type for a callback so that code can avoid simply declaring an “any” type here as poorly documented and error-prone catch-all. Although there are a couple ways in which a function type can be declared, the preferred method supported by Doc-Holiday is as follows:

// function typedef (callback)
export type MyFunction = (str:string, num:number) => boolean

You can also document the parameters and return of such a callback declaration:

// commented version
export type TheCallbck = (
    str:string, // the string to process
    num:number // the number to process it with
) => boolean // false to abort further processing

example~MyFunction ⇒ `boolean`

function typedef (callback)

Kind: inner typedef of example

Param Type
str string
num number

example~TheCallbck ⇒ `boolean`

commented version

Kind: inner typedef of focus
Returns: boolean - <p>false to abort further processing</p>

Param Type Description
str string <p>the string to process</p>
num number <p>the number to process it with</p>

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