
The doc-holiday.conf configuration file

The behavior of doc-holiday for any given invocation is determined by the settings within the doc-holiday.conf file that resides in the current directory (presumed to be the root directory of a project being documented), or another file if so specified via the config argument passed on the command line.

This file is in ‘h-json’ format.

Here is an example file. Copy and paste this example into your own doc-holiday.conf text file at the root of your project directory and modify it to suit your preferences.

// This is the configuration file for Doc Holiday
// It is in JSON5 format, supporting comments
// such as per HJSON or JSON5
// As such, note also that key identifiers need not be quoted
// and single quotes work for strings as well as double quotes
// See the HJSON spec for more info (
// or JSON5 (

    Output format(s)
      May be "html" or "markdown" or "html,markdown" for both
  format: "markdown, html",

   Which primary documentation engine to use.
   One of:
    - "jsdoc" (JSDOC) Traditional Javascript documentation to HTML
    - "docjs" (Documentation JS) Simplified JSDOC alternative to HTML or Markdown
    - "other" (???) The enginePath option specifies an executable by absolute path to run.
  engine: "docjs",

  Whether or not to allow the default sorting of the JSDoc template.
    Default JSDoc behavior is to order document entities alphabetically by type.
    To retain this behavior, set sort to `true`.
    To have your documented entries be ordered as they appear in the source code,
    set sort to `false` (the default).
    Note this does not apply to Documentation JS or to JSDoc templates that disable sorting themselves.
  sort: false,

   The chosen engine executable is expected to exist in the system path at runtime.
   If it is not, supply the path to the executable to run here directly.
   If this is a path to a directory, this directory is expected to contain the executable for the chosen engine.
   If the chosen engine is "other", this path should be to the executable command or script to run.
   The executable will be run with a series arguments in key=value form.
   A custom command or script must be able to understand these arguments.
  enginePath: "",

    Which template to use (per the engine chosen)
      If the template is locally installed in the project, specify as "node_modules/<template_name>"
      For templates outside of the project tree, use an absolute path.
      Defaults to "templates/default"
  template: "node_modules/better-docs",

   Folder to generate intermediate stub files into.
   Relative to project root, or an absolute path
  intermediate: ".dh-temp",

   Folder to output HTML files (if not using Markdown)
   Relative to project root, or an absolute path
  html: "docs/html",

   Output location for Markdown output
   Specify the file path (e.g. docs/ to receive this output
  markdown: "docs/",

    JSDOC configuration file location, if applicable
  jsdocConfig: "jsdoc-conf.json",

   Executable info
   Not normally recommended to modify by user, unless you are sure of what you are doing.
  execInfo: {
    jsdoc: {
      html: {
        exec: "jsdoc -p -d %html% -r -c %intermediate%/jsdoc.conf %intermediate%"
      markdown: {
//        exec: "jsdoc2md --configure %intermediate%/jsdoc.conf --files %intermediate%/**/*.js > %markdown%"
        exec: "jsdoc2md --global-index-format none --module-index-format table --partial tooling/j2mdhbs/returns.hbs --partial tooling/j2mdhbs/link.hbs --partial tooling/j2mdhbs/header.hbs --partial tooling/jdmdhbs/link.hbs --partial tooling/jdmdhbs/body.hbs --configure %intermediate%/jsdoc.conf --files %intermediate%/**/*.js > %markdown%"
    docjs: {
      html: {
        exec: "documentation build -f html -o %html% %intermediate%"
      markdown: {
        exec: "documentation build -f md -o %markdown% %intermediate%"
    other: {
      html: {
        exec: "%enginePath% template=%template% format=html output=%html% config=%intermediate%/jsdoc.conf input=%intermediate%"
      markdown: {
        exec: "%enginePath% template=%template% format=markdown output=%markdown% config=%intermediate%/jsdoc.conf input=%intermediate%"



Key elements of this file are:

This specifies which format(s) of output documentation should be rendered.
The value can be “markdown” or “html”, or “html,markdown” (or “markdown,html”)

Specifies which rendering engine to use.
Supported documentation rendering comes from separately installed versions of jsdoc, jsdoc2md, and/or documentation, as detailed in the Getting Started section.
Values here may be:

It may also be “other” to invoke a custom script or command rather than one of the supported engines directly. This feature is considered experimental.

The chosen engine executable is expected to exist in the system path at runtime. If it is not, supply the path to the executable to run here directly. Leave blank in most cases. If this is a path to a directory, this directory is expected to contain the executable for the chosen engine.
If the chosen engine is “other”, this path should be to the executable command or script to run. The executable will be run with a series arguments in key=value form. A custom command or script must be able to understand these arguments. This is considered an experimental feature.

template This specifies the path to a JSDoc template, if any.
A template is used to change the appearance of the JSDoc rendered output.

A number of templates are available for JSDoc. Some of the more popular include

This names a directory, relative to the current directory (e.g. project root), that will be used for generated intermediate files.
This directory will be destroyed on each command invocation (unless the –no-clean option is passed), so it should not be one used to store any project files.
You should also add this folder to your .gitignore list, to keep it excluded from your repository.

This specifies a directory, relative to the current directory (e.g. project root), that will be used for generated html documentation output.
This is only used when the format setting specifies html output.
This folder is created if it does not exist when the command is run, but is not removed. You may wish to delete this folder before running a final documentation pass, as obsolete pages can be left behind from previous runs.

This specifies a file path, relative to the current directory (e.g. project root), specifying the markdown file to output for the rendered API (e.g. docs/ ).

This file is created if it does not exist. Any existing file will be overwritten.

remaining settings
The remainder of the configuration file, as shown in the above example, is for internal and/or specialized usage, and should not normally be changed. In any normal circumstance, you will want to keep these values as they are shown in the example.

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