
Doc-Holiday parsing directives

Using // ##DH-OFF and // ##DH-ON

By default Doc-Holiday will parse all the code in a given source file, looking for entities and extracting metadata from these and the associated comment blocks.

It may be desireable to exclude some sections of your source code from parsing. Reasons for this might include

Simply include a comment line that begins with ##DH-OFF, such as these examples:

// ##DH-OFF

// ##DH-OFF  Exclude this section from documentation

 /* ## DH-OFF
    the following sections are excluded

and then you can turn it back on again later in the file if you wish with ##DH-ON:

// ##DH-ON or // ##DH-ON Resume documentation parsing

Using directives to avoid parsing errors:
Some declarations may be mistaken for other types of entities by the parser and thus generate incorrect or garbled stub output.

For example, this code defines some HTML markup as a string. However, the html notation confuses the Doc-Holiday parser, so it is surrounded with // ##DH-OFF and // ##DH-ON directives to exclude it from parsing.

// ##DH-OFF
const markup = `<span style="float:right; margin-top:-15px; font-size:smaller; color:darkred;">${content}</span>`
// ##DH-ON

The markup property will not appear in the resulting documentation for this file.

Use of the ##DH-OFF / ##DH-ON directives to avoid parsing issues should occur only in rare and exceptional cases. If you feel you are forced to use these directives to exclude valid code that should be correctly parsed and documented, please file an issue on the Doc-Holiday issue tracker.